Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ActiView in the Classroom!

Image used with permission from by Anyaka
          While I was looking around on the Promethean Website,I realized that we have come a long way from the traditional lecture style classroom that is shown in the picture. I came across an amazing tool called Actiview. Actiview is a new way to visually present lessons, projects, or ideas to your students! You can take anything and set it underneath the Actiview camera and make it visable to the entire class over a screen.Once you have an image up on the screen, you are able to manipulate the image with this software! ActiView is very comvenient because you can control everything with a remote over the interactive whiteboard. This makes it easy to control what is going on over the screen, while walking around and helping your students.     
         I would love to use ActiView in my classroom someday. This tool can turn a boring lecture into a fun and interesting lesson for students. I could show many different images over the ActiView screen and have my students manipulate the photos to help them better understand the lesson. For example, I could have something extremely small and have ActiView zoom in so the students can see all the details of a particular object. We could also take pictures of what we put over the ActiView screen and make a library of our classroom images!

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